At eam erat facer molestiae

There are various management styles. Micromanagement is a negative term that refers to a management style characterized by extremely close supervision and control of the minor details of a subordinate’s workload and output. Are you a “check with me first” type of manager? If you are not sure, let us discuss the difference between a micromanager and an effective leader. 

Micromanagers request to be copied on all emails while an effective leader should only be copied on relevant emails. If you desire to be an effective leader you should want to take responsibility of the outcome and results, but not control the way that every step is done. It is important to focus on the bigger picture versus the small details. A micromanager also lacks confidence in their team and feel that when somebody else does the work, they do not get good results. An effective leader provides feedback to employees and allows room for collaboration. 

A micromanager needs frequent updates, but an effective leader discusses deadlines with employees and why it is important to complete a certain task within a specific timeline. Micromanagers rarely asks for input from others. Simply put, they lack confidence in people, feel that they know better, and that they must be followed at all times. Effective managers realize the importance of asking their team for input. 

We all know that the majority of people do not like to be micromanaged. Micromanaging can kill your business. It will impact your employee turnover rate and people will simply not want to work for you. Think about it, would you want to work for someone that does not trust and appreciate you? A survey published by Trinity Solutions reveals that 79% of respondents were currently experiencing micromanagement in the workplace, while 69% out of that 79% had considered changing jobs. Another study done in 2014 by The University of Pennsylvania concluded that educated employees tend to work harder and better when they have control over their work schedule. Employees love when management show appreciation for their good work and effort. This also helps to create a good company culture. Simply saying “great job on closing that sales deal,” “I'm so proud of you,” or “impressive work” will encourage a positive and productive organizational climate. Keep in mind that moods are contagious. 

In addition, a recent study by Ernest and Young has revealed that team competition can create a healthy competitive work culture. We encourage healthy debate and open communication between teams. This can help people to learn from one another, share opinions, and simply bring new ideas to the table. Be sure to reward your best performers. We all know that the right compensation drives sales behaviors. Spiffs are a great way to push for results and encourage your employees to strive for higher performance. In order to use spiffs correctly, you need to set specific and clear expectations. Offer training and give employees the opportunity to learn more aspects of the company. Also show them their promotional path in the company. Using incentives is a key benefit to rewarding employees and increasing productivity. In return they will be happier, produce higher quality performance, and display loyalty.

So in conclusion, micromanagement is not your friend and will have a negative impact on your employees. Choose employee recognition over micromanaging and create a good work environment that rewards your teams. Contact us to see how we can help you bring your company to the next level.